India’s festive season, including Ganesh Chaturthi, Durga Puja, and Diwali, is characterized by an increase in consumer activity. This period, heralding a 20-30% rise in sales across numerous categories, including apparel, electronics, and luxury goods, embodies the intricate dance of tradition with commerce. It significantly enhances the economic landscape with a spike in consumer spending, fueled by enticing discounts and offers.For eCommerce businesses, this season represents a pivotal moment to amplify sales and foster customer loyalty.

Leverage WhatsApp to make the most out of your festive campaigns, with features like:
  • Click-To-WhatsApp Ads – redirect leads to your chat
  • Flows – structured way of collecting information
  • Payments – natively in chat

Our strategy aims to captivate and engage, pushing the boundaries of conversational commerce through the use of dynamic, rich media communications.

Learn how you can leverage WhatsApp to get the best RoI for your festive Campaigns.

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