On-demand Webinar

Viber Business Messages: Making Businesses More Accessible and Reliable.

With 1 Billion users in more than 190 countries, Viber Business Messages is a force to be reckoned with. At the same time, consumers are contacting businesses through private messages which offer hyper-personalisation in the digital age. Is your business ready to keep up all the ongoing messages?

Route Mobile is an official Viber Business Messages partner, we will help you to leverage your real-time communication with your prospective clients.

Listen to our on-demand webinar and watch anytime to explore all about Viber Business Messages and how your brand can interact with end-users efficiently in a secured environment.

In this intensive 40-minute webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How businesses can serve their clients via Viber Business Messages in every moment that matters.
  • Reviewing some of its key features like a business page, rich text, stickers, doodles, gifs, and many more.
  • How can you implement Viber Business Account for businesses and its functionality.
  • Multi-use cases in various industry
  • And, get answers to your questions during live Q&A.
Access the webinar video
  • We will handle your contact details in line with our Privacy Policy.
