On-time product delivery is one of the most important factors for every industry to ensure enhanced customer experience. Customers want to track and monitor their order /product, right from the time of sale till its delivery. Company’s adherence to delivery time and date has therefore become major role players in maintaining and building a brand’s reputation, reliability and goodwill.

With increased web-competitiveness amongst various brands that offer interesting deals, the percentage of people moving towards online shopping has expanded significantly. This has made customer service the most crucial part for organisations to have a competitive edge.

“Service efficiency” is the new sales technique that drives higher customer engagement and brand affiliation. The delivery process i.e. supply chain management and logistics that serves as the basic attributes for service efficiency are some of the deciding factors in your customer’s product buying experience. The advent of new-age communication technologies has been a critical driver behind the improvement in this space.It has enabled enterprises like e-commerce, retail, consumer goods, and logistics to increase efficiencies and reduce operational costs.

Messages in the form of SMS, Voice and Emails are popular mediums for process and operation based notifications. Deploying such advanced-tech modules in your systems can help in streamlining communications with both, your supplier and customers.

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