Less than 3% of SMS messages are marked as spam by the customers. This is something that boasts the glory of SMS marketing in driving sales and engaging customers. Yet, a number of businesses fail to capture the conversion rate.

For businesses struggling to achieve a high conversion rate with SMS marketing, the issue lies in the approach. What can be done to improve this?

Well, let us present 15 promotional text message examples that your users will love. You can take them as a reference while shooting your next SMS marketing campaign.

1 Flash Sale Alerts To Create Urgency

Flash sale messages are a great way to create a sense of urgency and drive immediate actions from the users. While creating it, highlight the limited time frame and the discount rates, as shown in the below example:

Flash Sale! 50% off on all items for the next 4 hours! Don’t miss out. Shop now: [link]

Why does it work? Flash sales can boost your transaction rates by up to 30%.

2 Personalized Discounts To Make Customers Feel Special

If your goal is to send an SMS that makes your customers feel valued, personalization is key, as it increases the likelihood of customers responding to your promotion. Try to shoot something like:

Hi [Name], enjoy 20% off your next purchase with code SAVE20. Thanks for being a loyal customer! Shop now: [link]

Why does it work? Well, studies have shown that the success rate of personalized messages is more than 95% worldwide. This number is enough to launch a personalized campaign next time

3 Birthday Specials To Celebrate With Your Customers

How would you feel if you got a message from your favorite brand wishing you a happy birthday with a special discount? You will feel excited, right? The same happens with your customers when you say something like,

Happy Birthday, [Name]! Enjoy a special 25% off on your purchase today. Use code BDAY25. Celebrate with us: [link]

Why does it work? You will be amazed to see that birthday promotion texts can result in a 481% increase in transaction rates.

4 New Arrival Notifications to Keep Your Customers Informed

When you inform your customers about the new products with a small discount, they feel like they are part of your special listings and generate excitement among them. Texts like the below can be great as promotional text message example.

“New Arrivals Alert! Check out our latest collection and enjoy an exclusive 15% off. Shop the new trends: [link]”

Why does it work? Regular updates on new arrivals keep customers’ interest high and do not leave them feeling left out or bored.

5 Seasonal Promotions To Tap Into Festive Spirits

Seasonal promotions directly connect with your customers when they have major holidays or their shopping activities are going to the peak. You can shoot something like;

Holiday Special! Get 30% off on all holiday items. Use code HOLIDAY30. Limited time only! Shop now: [link]

Why does it work? Through seasonal messages, you show a special care to your customers, enhancing the response rate of the SMS.

6 Exclusive Early Access For Rewarding Loyalty

Offering exclusive early access to sales can make your loyal customers feel 100x more special and appreciated. This also encourages them to make a purchase and keep their VIP status. Try sending something like;

VIP Access! Shop our Black Friday sale before anyone else and get an extra 10% off. Use code VIP10. Start shopping: [link]

Why does it work? This method highly works for the top customers in driving engagement through a sense of privilege.

7 Limited Stock Alerts to Encourage Quick Action

Customers do not want to lose the product they desire just because of the stock. So, to avoid missing them out from your final stocks, you can shoot something like;

Limited Stock! Only a few items are left in stock. Grab yours before it’s gone! Shop now: [link]

Why does it work? When you use scarcity tactics, it creates an urgency to buy and reduces the decision-making time that customers take.

8 Referral Rewards For Expanding Your Reach

Another hack in texting is encouraging your customer to refer to your products and services in their circle to earn rewards. Your promotional text message example may look like the below:

Refer a friend and get INR 100 off your next purchase! Share your unique code: [REFCODE]

Why does it work? Referral programs have led to 75% higher conversion rates compared to any other channels for companies.

9 Event Invitations To Build Your Community

You must build a community around your brand and its customers. When your customers feel connected and united, they are more loyal and engaged with your brand. A text like below would do the thing:

Join us for our Summer Sale Event! Exclusive deals, fun activities, and more. RSVP now: [link]

Why does it work? When you say join us, you are asking your customers to build a stronger relationship and increase customer loyalty.

10 Cart Abandonment Reminders for Recovering Lost Sales

Do not forget to remind customers about their incomplete sales and try to add a special discount to recover the lost sale. Something like below would do your work:

Looks like you left something behind! Complete your purchase and get 10% off. Use code SAVE10: [link]

Why does it work? When you send a cart abandonment message, you can recover up to 10% of the abandoned carts.

11 Feedback Requests to Show that You Care

When you ask your customers for feedback, you are showing that you value their opinions and how they help you in improving your offerings. A promotional text message example of a feedback would be like:

We’d love to hear your thoughts! Complete our survey and get 15% off your next purchase. Take the survey: [link].

Why does it work? Customers feel super engaged in decision-making and business improvements of your organization.

12 Flashback Promotions To Hit The Nostalgia Marketing

A lot of customers often miss the nostalgia marketing and feel attracted to such texts tapping positive memories. Messages like the one below would help you achieve your goal:

Miss our old collections? For a limited time, enjoy 20% off on our bestsellers from last year! Use code FLASHBACK20: [link]

Why does it work? Nostalgia creates a strong emotional connection with customers, which might lead to higher engagement and sales.

13 Customer Appreciation Messages for Building Loyalty

To encourage a repeat customer, you can always show an appreciation message whenever customers make constant purchases with you. Here is a text example:

Thank you for being with us! Enjoy a special 25% off on your next purchase. Use code THANKYOU25: [link]

Why does it work? When a brand shows gratitude towards the customers, they establish a positive relationship and brand image.

14 Subscription Renewal Offers to Keep Your Customers Onboard

To ensure that your customers stay onboarded with you for the long term, keep reminding them about the discounts on subscription renewal through messages like the below:

Your subscription is about to expire! Renew now and get a 20% discount. Use code RENEW20: [link]

Why does it work? Renewal offers reduce churn rates and help your business maintain a very steady revenue stream.

15 Flash Giveaways for Creating Buzz

How about creating excitement and buzz around your brand to attract new customers as well as engage the existing ones? Here is a sample text example.

Surprise Giveaway! Enter to win a $100 gift card. Click here to enter: [link]

Why does it work? Giveaways have always added to engagement and social sharing, expanding the reach of brands.


So, here is the wrap of some amazing promotional text message examples that your customers will love. All the above samples would definitely give you a deep understanding of creating engaging SMS marketing messages, resulting in creating a strong connection with your audience.