In 2024, the festive commercial boom continues to thrive, with industry experts predicting a shift in shopping trends. InMobi’s Festive Report indicates that 84% of Indian festive shoppers are increasing their budgets, and 54% are embracing hybrid shopping experiences. This fusion of online and offline shopping behaviour underscores the need for brands to streamline the customer journey from awareness to conversion.

The festive season brings with it a time of joy, tradition, and increased consumer spending. With Eid nearing us, it’s time to use this golden opportunity for brands to enhance engagement and boost sales.

Amidst this bustling commercial environment, RCS Business Messaging (RBM) emerges as a new-age solution for brands to amplify their outreach and engagement strategies. RCS transcends the limitations of traditional SMS while maintaining its widespread adoption, offering rich media, interactivity, and extended reach. This creates a direct and engaging communication channel between brands and consumers.

The convergence of the festive season’s commercial potential and RCS Business Messaging’s advanced capabilities presents a lucrative brand promotion opportunity. It’s a story of evolving consumer behaviour and technological innovations intersecting with India’s vibrant festive culture.

Embracing RCS Business Messaging could be a game-changer for brands seeking to capitalise on the festive season’s commercial opportunities and foster closer connections with their audience.

Why is RCS Business Messaging Crucial for Brands This Eid?

Google announced in February 2023 that their chat messenger will now be RCS. Since then it has witnessed a significant increase in its user base in India, revolutionising how brands communicate with their customers. This shift is characterised by RCS’s ability to elevate SMS to a more conversational experience, providing a platform for interactive and personalised brand communication.

The rich feature set of RCS, including high-resolution image and video sharing, carousels, logos, verified sender batch, quick replies, and AI-powered chatbots, find applications across various industries. It enables tailored messaging experiences for specific use cases characterised by enhanced two-way communication capabilities, interactive campaigns, and higher read rates and engagement.

With over 1 billion RCS users globally and 300 million users in India alone, the adoption of RCS continues to grow, making RCS Business Messaging a crucial asset for brands aiming to elevate their market outreach and customer satisfaction this festive season.

7 Ingenious RCS Business Messaging Strategies This Eid

1. Announcing Festive Offers:

The festive season calls for a shopping spree, with consumers eager to indulge. Early announcements serve not only as alerts but also as opportunities to captivate and retain consumer attention. With RCS’s rich media capabilities, brands can craft visually appealing announcements, embedding interactive elements to inform and entertain simultaneously.

Use Case: Run promotional campaigns using RCS Business Messaging to announce festive offers, incorporating carousels and videos to make announcements more engaging and effective.

2. Interactive Product Catalogs:

RCS transforms standard SMS messaging into interactive shopping platform. Brands can create dynamic product catalogues, allowing customers to browse, view images, descriptions, and pricing, and even proceed to purchase directly within the messaging app. This seamless browsing experience significantly enhances customer engagement and drives sales.

Use Case: Showcase your extensive product catalogue leveraging the carousel feature of RCS Business Messaging, enabling customers to explore products and make purchases effortlessly.

3. Personalized Shopping Experience:

Personalisation plays a pivotal role in modern marketing. With RCS, brands can tailor messages based on individual customer data and preferences. Imagine receiving a message from your favourite clothing store showcasing a carousel of new arrivals, where you can click through, view different items, and make a purchase directly within the messaging app. This level of interactive personalisation can significantly improve customer engagement and drive sales.

Use Case: Deliver a personalised and interactive shopping experience with RCS Business Messaging, showcasing tailored product recommendations and exclusive deals to enhance customer engagement and loyalty.

4. Seamless Customer Support:

Providing real-time customer support is crucial, and RCS elevates this service by facilitating interactive communication through chatbots. For instance, RCS messaging can be utilised to provide real-time support, answer queries, and resolve issues quickly and efficiently, thereby enhancing customer satisfaction levels and brand loyalty.

Use Case: Offer instant customer support, improving customer experience with RCS Business Messaging by providing real-time assistance and resolving queries efficiently.

5. Cart Recovery and Retargeting:

Cart abandonment is a common challenge for e-commerce businesses. RCS messaging can address this issue by deploying interactive and personalised retargeting strategies. Features like suggested responses and actions can encourage customers to complete transactions, converting the browsing journey into purchasing seamlessly.

Use Case: Capture dropped leads with interactive RCS messaging campaigns, utilising features like suggested responses and actions to nudge customers towards completing the transactions.

6. Real-time Transaction and Shipping Alerts:

Keeping customers informed about their transactions and shipping status is paramount. RCS can send real-time notifications about transactions, account balances, and delivery updates, enriching the customer experience and building trust.

Use Case: Update your customers in real-time, keeping them in the loop with RCS Business Messaging by promptly sending transaction and shipping alerts.

7. Gathering Post-Purchase Feedback:

Post-purchase feedback is essential for a brand’s overall improvement. RCS’s quick reply buttons streamline the feedback collection process, making it convenient for customers to share their opinions and for brands to gather invaluable insights.

Use Case: Collect actionable feedback, leveraging RCS Business Messaging’s conversational features to understand customer preferences and improve brand offerings.

Amplify Your Festive Outreach with Route Mobile’s RCS Solutions

As the vibrant Indian festive season approaches, brands that leverage RCS solutions will definitely stand out in the race to capture consumer attention and drive sales. With comprehensive RCS solutions, you can create memorable customer experiences and drive significant business growth.

Connect with Route Mobile today and unlock the full potential of RCS Business Messaging for your festive campaign!