How to integrate Whatsapp Business Messaging?

WhatsApp does not allow companies to connect directly to their API or create business accounts on their own. To create a WhatsApp Business API account, you’ll need to apply through a WhatsApp Partner. Once a WhatsApp Partner has approved and provisioned your WhatsApp Business API account with a phone number you may connect it to the platform and manage WhatsApp messages just like any other channel.

It takes only 10 minutes to sign up for WhatsApp Business Messaging. You’ll be able to set up your WhatsApp Business API account through any provider by signing up. You’ll also receive a confirmation email on the account setup.

After that, you’ll be able to use the full functionalities of the WhatsApp APIs on the provider dashboard.

To get WhatsApp API access from the provider, you need to follow these steps:

  • Get a Phone Number (should not have an existing WhatsApp Account).
  • Signup for a WhatsApp API provider. You can sign up and choose a plan here.
  • Complete Facebook Business Verification.