How to integrate Viber Business Messaging?

Reach your customers on a more personal level through Viber Business Messages, a convenient Viber for Business tool to send customers messages related to your brand all in the same thread, be they promotional, transactional or conversational.

Initiate the conversation and build a deeper connection with your opt-in existing customer base

Combine text, image, files and CTA buttons to express yourself

Guarantee message delivery via SMS fallback for peace of mind

A true conversation starter Business Messages gives brands the power to initiate the conversation – with just a phone number. By connecting the Viber Business Messages channel with a CRM platform, brands can personalise their communications effectively with their opt-in customer base using a tailored messenger marketing tool.

Send different message types Viber Business Messages lets you send multiple message types within the same channel, making it simpler for the customer and more efficient for the brand: transactional, promotional and conversational messages.

Enhance your messages Augment your messages with rich content like images, interactive buttons and links, making them more dynamic and providing a stronger call to action.
Viber Business Messages can be 1000 characters long, compared to 160 with traditional SMS.

A trusted Viber business account A “blue tick” next to your channel name and a dedicated company profile page with address, phone number, website and brand logo assures your customers that they are messaging the official Viber business account.

Share files, photos and videos Exchange files and photos with your customers like customer warranties, booking confirmations, invoices while they can send you images, identity documents, video reviews and more.

Send different message types Viber Business Messages lets you send multiple message types within the same channel, making it simpler for the customer and more efficient for the brand: transactional, promotional and conversational messages.

A dedicated business chat inbox For users in Russia, Viber Business Messages conversations are gathered into a dedicated folder located in their chat list – making it easier to find communications from relevant companies.

Pin-to-top Customers can pin Business Messages on Viber to the top of their main Chats screen so they’re always at front of mind.

Ensure your messages get through Guarantee the deliverability of your most important messages by setting up a fallback to SMS mechanism and by defining a maximum time window (TTL) until your message is converted to SMS.

Measure success With dynamic delivery, open and read metrics, brands can easily qualify campaigns for greater understanding versus traditional SMS.
