Number Lookup

Number Lookup to improve Customer Conversion Rate

Search for active customers before a campaign and improve conversion rate.

Having correct information and data is never enough! To turn leads into active customers, enterprises need accuracy and agility to implement AI into their business strategy. Route Mobile’s Number lookup helps brands to reduce undeliverable messages, identify local-friendly number formats and programmatically get information about phone numbers.

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Features of Number Lookup

Quick access to operators
Quick access to operators
Provides Worldwide coverage
Provides Worldwide coverage
Number Lookup
High reliability and accuracy
High reliability and accuracy
Multiple connectivity protocols
Multiple connectivity protocols

Product Trivia

4.3 Billion

smartphone users are reported by the end of 2023, accelerating towards mobile-first economy

Number Lookup

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FAQs on Number Lookup

When a customer care agent wants to deliver a particular message to a customer and it seems that the number is invalid, it’s disappointing to them. That’s where number lookup which is also known as Home Location Register (HLR) comes into the picture. Route Mobile’s Number lookup verifies and authenticates the number before sending any call or message, this ensures that you call the authenticate leads.

In case you want to know more information on how to use Route Mobile’s Number Lookup you can directly get in touch with us or send an email to Depending on your business use case our experts will share with you how you can check.

There is various important information you can get from number lookup such as, it provides a list of active and inactive numbers, provide the information about the roaming numbers, shares what type of number it is for example if it is a landline, mobile number, or machine-to-machine number, check the portability status. It also validates your number and automatically active numbers to the dialers.

Enhanced number lookup is the value-added service that Route Mobile provides, where it can easily detect frauds and makes sure that valuable information is not leaked to anyone.

The real-time number lookup helps you with the location information, subscriber information, original network status and that lets you save a lot of money. The number portability lookup is used to identify the mobile network, IMSI, and MSC which provides the information of the current network service provider.

The real-time number lookup is used to receive subscriber identification data (IMSI) and to gain instant information about the subscriber.

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